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Kościelniak, Krzysztof (1965- ), The rang of religious liberties of the Christian minorities in the Republic of Turkey in the background of the political changes in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21th century
Znaleziono : 4

Changes of the Coptic identity

Kościelniak, Krzysztof (1965- )

Słowa kluczowe: Kościoł katolicki w Egipcie

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Dilemmas of democracy in the Middle East : cases form [i. e. from] Israel, Jordan and Turkey

Słowa kluczowe: Demokracja , Bliski Wschód , Turcja , Izrael , Jordani

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Image and man : correlations

Godawa, Marcin (1973- ), Red.

Słowa kluczowe: Teologia , Filozofia , Religia , Miscellanea

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Die Freiheit als Siensweise des Guten

Bobko, Aleksander (1960- )

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