Butrymowicz, Magdalena, What a family really is? The question about the legal definition of a family. The UK case study example
Butrymowicz, Magdalena, Survival rights in the Conventionon the Rights of the Child
Zwoliński, Andrzej (1957- ), The Christian call for building unity
Stolarczyk, Ireneusz (1963- ), The endangered unity of the familyin the context of contemporary social changes
Briliute, Birute, Global over population and Catholic family ecology. An investigation into Pope Francis’ call for a human ecology, change of culture and how it is linked to the Catholic teaching on family, sex and abortion: cross‑examination of Laudato Si’and Amoris Laetitia
Obelenienė, Birute, Human dignity as a universal moral dimension of the preparation of youth for marriage and family life
Stala, Józef (1966- ), Discovery, acceptance and realization of Christian love as the foundation for engaged couples’ formation
Pate, Tanja, Family hardiness, anxiety, and subjective well‑beingin families with and without a chronic illness
Repič Slavič, Tanja, Sexual abuse in childhood and the unconscious repetition of painin couple relationships
Olearczyk, Teresa, A person – a creature that listens and is listened to. The anthropologica laspect of quiet and silence
Gerjolj, Stanko (1955- ), Joseph of Egypt: from a conflict maker to a conflict manager in the family
Büttner, Gerhard, Family communication and imagesof God in children’s literature
Delicata, Nadia, The family and the dominant technocratic paradigm:challenges in the digital culture
Prijatelj, Erika, iPhone family v. traditional family. The impact of technology on personal growth and interaction within the family
Kieran, Patricia, A revolution in family life: the challenge for faith formation and family ministry in Ireland
Sypień, Bogusław, The family communio personarumin the context of human subjectivity
Osewska, Elżbieta, Value education in the Polish family
Šoltésová, Viktória, Education, religious education and religiosity of Roma children in Slovakia